Friday, November 11, 2011

tranquility du jour: art journal bliss

tranquility du jour: art journal bliss: on sunday i offered my seasonal art journaling playshop experience at tranquil space (2012 dates coming soon) and above are snapshots of th...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

tranquility du jour: au revoir idea book

tranquility du jour: au revoir idea book: today i'm wrapping a bow around my idea book. it's been my companion for a few years now. promos, conference notes, contact info, to-dos, m...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

French Coffee types

French coffee types

  • Un café – plain coffee with nothing added, strong and (usually, not always) brewed like espresso, but served in a bigger cup
  • Un café au lait – coffee with steamed milk, you will sometimes get the coffee served in one pot or in the cup, and then a pitcher of steamed milk/cream
  • Un café crème – coffee served in a large cup (as opposed to a normal size cup) with hot milk/cream
  • Un café americain – filtered coffee
  • Un expresso or un express – espresso – that one is easy!
  • Un noisette – espresso with a hint of hot milk/cream in it
  • Un crème – espresso with half of hot milk/cream (served in a coffee cup rather than an espresso cup)
  • Un allongé – espresso coffee with double the amount of water, basically a weak black coffee
  • Un serré – espresso coffee with half the usual amount of water, basically strong black coffee, in Switzerland this is called a ristretto (it is what I drink every morning from my Swiss Nespresso machine
  • Un double – a double espresso
  • Un déca – decaf coffee


Coffee and Cake

Coffee and Cake
by: Nicole Johnson/Fresh Brewed Life

My Mother's mother, Audrey, introduced me to coffee. She would make me coffee with milk in the mornings before anyone else got up. I must have been four or five, and holding my current favorite stuff companion and still sucking my thumb. I would pad sleepy eyed into the kitchen where the kettle was boiling. The only light in the room was the one on the stove and my grandmother would be sitting on a stool next to the counter, sipping coffee. She would get up and begin to fix my coffee milk sweet and warm beyond compare.

Sharing a cup became our secret ritual. I thought it was my reward for waking up early. She would pull me up a chair, and we would talk a bit...I felt so grown up.

My father's brother and sisters needed nothing more than a coffee pot for celebration. Okay, maybe one of Grandma's caramel cakes helped a bit. They would sit for hours with coffee and one another. I would take it all in, learning what "COFFEE" meant to them: LOVE, SHARING AND CONNECTION!  

Did you have your coffee yet? c(_)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My First Cup of Coffee

I always tell my friends, that coffee is my best friend. :)

I was exposed from friends and relatives who loves to drink coffee. My dad is a great coffee drinker and my mom can't go without it. I was only seven years old at that time and was not allowed to drink. They say that coffee has caffeine and caffeine is not good for my health.

I started to crave at the age of seven and planned and started to make my own experiment. But still my curiosity didn't stop me from my eagerness to taste my own cup.

One afternoon, after arriving from school. I sneaked my way to the kitchen to make my first cup. I didn't know the exact measurement for a perfect brew, but have mastered how my dad and mom prepared their coffee in the morning.

My nose was the first one exposed, and smelled the rich aroma of my coffee flavor. I got so excited as it was my first time and the aroma followed me while my coffee brew. I easily acquired the taste and enjoyed cupping my cup. It was between a light to medium roast. It taste the original coffee flavor.The after taste lingered on my palate after I have swallowed. I am fully enjoying the taste.The flavor of this chocolaty and nutty drink started my journey and experience in coffee. I have started to indulge more on different kinds of flavors and plan to know and experiment more on coffee.

Coffee has been my favorite companion. In every cup I drink, I am aware and inspired by the stories on how coffee help and assist coffee growers in their daily lives and help raise awareness about the coffee we drink. It's a mutual benefit that we share with our farmers. That's why I always feel good about drinking a great cup of coffee. c[_]

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quality Coffee since 1938

The origins of NESCAFÉ harks back to the year 1930, when Brazil had a substantial surplus of coffee, and needed help preserving it. Upon the request of the Brazilian government, Nestlé began abrewin’! With the simple idea of adding water to make a delicious cup of coffee, an entire coffeehistory was born.

In the mood for a classic cup of coffee in the morning? Perhaps a stimulating dose of 3-in-1 in the afternoon? Whatever your taste feels like, and whichever your mood calls for, NESCAFÉ has just the right cup for you. Discover the 1 World of NESCAFÉ coffees.

Source: Nescafe
Green Notes: I just love the tin can and the red cup of Nescafe. The popularity of this coffee always captures me everytime I crave for my in between cups. c(_)

The New Starbucks Cocoa Cappuccino


This article was taken at

It's the milk, and I'm happy to say that, at least in the cup I had, Starbucks got it right. Order a mocha if you want a lot of milk and whipped cream. Order a cocoa cappuccino if you want the taste of chocolate but a strong espresso flavor. Remember: mochas and lattes are about steamed milk. Cappuccinos are and should always be about the perfect combination of espresso and foamed milk. Order it dry (aka less milk) for an even stronger experience. At 120 calories for a tall (12 oz) nonfat, it's a great way to get your chocolate fix.

Starbucks says it will also make your cocoa cappuccino iced. I'll save that for some warmer weather. In my experience, an iced cappuccino has always been another word for an iced latte - foam and ice don't usually mix. But if I absolutely must sample another chocolately coffee drink (sigh!) I'm willing to give it a shot.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Kind of Coffee Are You?

In the modern days of coffee...we are lucky to have different kinds of choices when we visit our favorite coffee what's your take? Americano, Cappuccino, Macchiato, Mocha, Latte or Espresso? What about  Ground or whole bean? Dry or Wet? Fiery or Frosty? Whatever your cup of choice is, coffee is becoming more popular everyday. So take a pick of your next cup and share your thoughts with us. c(_)

My favorite is "Hot Cafe Mocha" - It's one third espresso and two thirds steamed milk with chocolate syrup. The coffee has a notable chocolaty taste which adds excitement to the coffee. c(_)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Work from Home Mom

What I want more than anything in my life is to have TIME.

I felt so completely blessed that I have the luxury of being able to stay home working and at the same time raise my children. For my friends my life looked good as it could get, a loving husband, beautiful kids, a career and a supportive family. :)

Being creative and working with people was my ultimate goal since I was seven. I chose to have a career where I would have flexibility and freedom. I found an opportunity that could encompass my passions. I chose to be a Wedding Planner...the wedding planning business hasn't always been easy, I have had to endure nights out with my bride and groom, meeting clients and wedding vendors, answering calls and inquiries, brainstorming and conceptualizing during the silent hours of the night, but I have refused to take my eyes off my ultimate goal of giving my family a backup should we have an unexpected shift in our livelihood.

My husband, travels a lot for his job and I wanted to help him to stay up close with his family without the risk of travelling every now and then. He has a great singing job with Mulatto who is known to be the country's retro and soul party icon. He love his work so much but we love to spend time together during our free time. We love to teach  our children the importance of quality time and most specially with the sharing of our time. I feel so blessed that i have built a business that provides time for both my passion and family, a work-from-home mom being creative and helping people plan their weddings...are the most conducive to satisfying my soul. I am also grateful for the guidance of my parents, siblings and friends who have been an inspiration in helping me build this career. :)