It was a typical modern day reunion - two former classmates finding each other in Facebook
years after they last met.
I received a personal message one unsuspecting day from an old friend in elementary inviting
Me for a get together. I immediately said yes, because I was excited to meet up with US based
classmates this time.
I became reacquainted with Arlene Prieto- Milana, Roy Zabalerio, Michael Ferreras, Reymer Antona,
Raymund Magadia and Aristotle Quevada.
We brought each other up to date on our lives. We enjoyed dinner, talked and joked. All the people
I spoke with had an interesting stories to share with regardless of their personal elementary and
Highschool experiences. The difficult part was when I discovered that there were classmates who
went ahead of us and had gone to their rest. The fun part was finding long time "lost" who were
grateful to be "found".
The most rewarding part was when I was able to connect friends who had lost touch with each other
and wanted to reconnect. Before the reunion was over we exchanged contact information.
Life has a way of getting in the way of staying in touch with valued friends on which I have to cherish
my life. 😄
Thank you Arlene Prieto- Milano for organizing the meet up.