French coffee types
- Un café – plain coffee with nothing added, strong and (usually, not always) brewed like espresso, but served in a bigger cup
- Un café au lait – coffee with steamed milk, you will sometimes get the coffee served in one pot or in the cup, and then a pitcher of steamed milk/cream
- Un café crème – coffee served in a large cup (as opposed to a normal size cup) with hot milk/cream
- Un café americain – filtered coffee
- Un expresso or un express – espresso – that one is easy!
- Un noisette – espresso with a hint of hot milk/cream in it
- Un crème – espresso with half of hot milk/cream (served in a coffee cup rather than an espresso cup)
- Un allongé – espresso coffee with double the amount of water, basically a weak black coffee
- Un serré – espresso coffee with half the usual amount of water, basically strong black coffee, in Switzerland this is called a ristretto (it is what I drink every morning from my Swiss Nespresso machine
- Un double – a double espresso
- Un déca – decaf coffee